Cover for Issue #30

Do YOU see her legs?
click to see a larger version

I've had this image sitting around in my head for a VERY long time.  --That is, I've had the image which will appear on page one sitting around in my head.  --Quinton warned Heath in issue #16 to watch out for Soracia when she'd been drinking.

While the story which goes along with this cover has changed dramatically since I was first struck by it, the image remained powerful enough for me to have sketched it dozens of times over the years.  I think, (hope), by finally producing the thing for publication, it will be out of my system at last.

One weird thing, though, is that a couple of people have found this image startling for a reason I didn't intend.  Upon viewing it, some find it impossible to see Soracia's legs, and comment on this point with distress.  I won't say why this happens, but it appears to be all in the perception of what people consider normal behavior.  (I think I painted it clearly enough.  I can see very easily what's going on here, but then I don't count).  Anyway, I'm considering re-painting it before press time so that the image will be clear upon first glance to everybody who looks at it, but I sort of think it's neat how it tests people's perceptions.  But then, of course, it might just be a bad painting.

What do you see, and what do you think?


Readers respond. . .

Here's the very first email I received which indicated that the painting was causing odd responses.  --Sorry to put you on display, Eric, but attention is what you get for being the first to raise your hand!  But don't feel bad.  You're in good company.  Even my girlfriend insists the picture doesn't work.  She suggests it could use a few less bottles to make it more clear.

Dear M'Oak:

I thought I'd just drop a quick note to mention the apparent mistake on the cover for #29.  I was immediately struck by the painting on your website, but when I clicked to enlarge and looked more closely, I noticed that there is no hint at all of Soracia's legs in the background to the table where she is sitting.  I don't know if this was intended or not, but thought I'd mention it just in case you hadn't noticed the potentially embarrassing omission.  As always, I love your work both on the site and in the book.  Take care,

Eric McKee

I have to admit I thought she was legless at first glance myself... which I thought was very cool, her being sort of ethereal at times and such. But upon closer inspection very clearly saw her legs. Take that as you will. Either way, I *really* like the picture. 



It's really clear to me that Soracia is sitting cross-legged on the table
top.  I think it's very powerful and gives the impression that she is
deep in thought.  If she were standing behind the table, my first
impression would be that she's thinking about the bottles in front of
her.  With her sitting amongst the bottles, my impression is that she's
thinking about something or someone else (and I'm glad it ain't me!)

Dwight Bartholomew

Well, at first glance, I too missed her legs but when I looked more closely, I could see she's sitting with her legs crossed. I think if you made the bottles in front of her smaller, thinner or even less bottles, her legs will show up better. But overall I like the cover idea.


Don't change it, the picture is excellent, and you can clearly see her legs. You have the perspective draw just so. We are looking up somewhat, as we see the  underside of the table. Soracia is sitting either about the middle of the table, or slightly toward the rear. She is sitting cross legged, which I believe we have seen her do more than once, And, she is leaning forward over her legs with her elbows resting half way or so up her thighs, or is that down. :)  Her legs are highlighted by the beams of light hitting her wrapped legs. Besides if it makes some people look at it for a while longer, I think that is a cool side effect.


['Hey! My first thought was "Where's her legs?" too! A quick glance confirmed that they were there, however.

I think the problem is that A) they're behind those bottles and B) covered with vertical stripes like her top. Plus C) it's poorly lit. 

On the other hand, when I looked at your main page, that picture immediately leaped out and grabbed my attention, so don't change it too quickly. . .]

Scott Barrie

It seems to me that Soracia is sittingon top of a table.  I suppose that is something that a drunk person might do. 

At first, I had assumed that the bottles were spell components of some sort, and that Soracia was working in a magician's laboratory of some sort. Thus, I was surprised to not see her legs sticking out from under the table.  Although, when the fact that she has been  drinking has been explained, it makes a lot more sense. 

Still can not figure out why the table looks nearly as tall as she is, though.  It seems like she would have trouble getting up on to it (assuming she didn't just materialize there, or something like that).  I suppose if one were to measure the picture, it would turn out the the table was not more than half of Soracia's high. Still, it looks too tall for some reason.

Jeremy Fuller

I get T&K through a hold service at Comics Utah.  Can't see Soracia's legs?  What, are they blind or something?  No, it's just that she has long legs, normally, and we're used to seeing her standing upright, not sitting cross-legged atop a table full of bottles.

I could wish that the copies arrived at more regular intervals, though, but I say that about all three comics I subscribe to this way (T&K, Ninja High School and for a brief time Zork; I'm eagerly anticipating Jodje Manabe's next translation...)(and upset Elfquest doesn't do monthly comics anymore!).

I'm really enjoying this comic, and miss it when it arrives late or when there aren't any new strips on you ever have time to look at fan art?

Alan Bradbury, 


Don't touch the cover.  Leave it as is.  It sparks a terrific first reaction that should not be tampered with just for the sake of a little clarity for a few folks.  I instantly found to be very dark and foreboding, and quite frankly one of your strongest covers.  The quiet starkness of this painting is a wonderful contrast from your usual cover style, which tends to be much busier.

BTW, I could see the legs just fine.  Most people were probably expecting them to be below the table instead of on it.  keep challenging them.  Too much assuming like that causes fuzzy thinking.


Josh M Lease

She's sitting cross-legged in the middle of the table surrounded by alcohol.  Kind of like how I feel right now.  Drinking alone is not a happy thing.  I should probably stop now.

Mark Tremblay

Dear Mark,

The cover for issue #30 is brilliant. You can EASILY see Soracia's legs in the picture, (sitting in the lotus position). I wonder why some people can't see it?

So I think you should keep it the way it is for publication, don't re-do it. Soracia is my favorite character, by the way (so I loved issue #25). I can't wait to catch up with her in #30. 

Keep up the inspiring work!

Paul Davis

England, UK

I did a retouch where I lowered Soracia an inch or so because I thought perhaps the problem was she appeared higher up than perspective would allow, (according to the image she's either very close to the lip of the table, or she's sitting on a small phone book, or something.)  --See for yourself:

While the one on the right somehow makes her look more brooding, her legs also become less visible.  I still haven't decided yet which to go with.

Anyway, it just struck me that this whole thing is rather bizarre.  I mean, how many other comic creators let people in on the nitty-gritty stuff like this?


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