Logo for a free-range beef farmer


Lance Bishop raises free range cows. One of the reasons I moved out to rural Nova Scotia
was so that I could be close to the people who grew and raised the food I eat. I think
that's pretty important. Factory farming is a creates a lot of problems in today's world.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I really do not agree with the idea of causing suffering and misery
to any livng thing. Here's a link to an award-winning flash movie (The Meatrix) which encapsulates
several of the problems with factory farming. (It's far worse than many realize.)
Guys like Lance Bishop are the answer. The beef he produces costs a bit more to produce; it's hard
for farmers like him to stay afloat, so he started up a program where he would act
as distributor for other organic and free-range farms. This is a big and
important step toward making this kind of food available to people, and giving
farmers like himself a chance to survive and hopefully encourage the adoption of their kind
of sane business approach. Check out his website, (Getaway Farms) to learn more.

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